So I wanted to share some thoughts about how my little "
Contemplative Life Project" has been going.....
Firstly, I have gotten some reactions from people who think it sounds too intense and too radical. To answer this, I return back to my yoga teachers--and founders of
Jivamukti Yoga--David Life and Sharon Gannon. I was attracted to them, and their style of yoga, because it openly admits to being radical--and that it is a GOOD thing. As I wrote in an earlier
blog posting, unlike the way this word is commonly pejoratively used in today's parlance, they define the word to mean "going back to the root." In other words, being radical is adopting a no-bullshit philosophy that doesn't treat surface symptoms but delves deeply into the root causes of problems.
This resonates with me because I have never been one to settle for superficial fixes. Anything that I have taken on and become passionate about, I have often delved deeply and devotedly into. So, this time, I figured there couldn't be a better thing than spirituality, liberation, the ending of samsara, to delve deeply into. :)
That being said, I know enough about myself, and the human condition in general, to know that becoming too ascetic and extreme doesn't work. So I have taken a gradual approach to my
Monastic Rules. I don't follow them all yet, but have set my vision, my view, towards that direction. It has helped me focus. And it is also a work in progress; I fully expect to change them, often, as this progresses.
So, where am I right now with regards to them? Well, I have been struggling to get my butt to the meditation cushion before bed. I don't know why, but there is some sort of blockage in my psyche that resists meditation before sleeping. I am often so tired that it is sooooo easy to justify skipping this. In the mornings, however, I love to do my hour meditation and look forward to it. But it wasn't always so.....I remember when it was a struggle to just do the 10 minutes in the morning. I wonder how much of this is just habituating the act. So, my new focus is on just sitting for 5 minutes before bed to habituate the act itself, and not worry on how long I meditate for.
Speaking of the power of habits, I am constantly amazed at what you can do by fully utilizing this secret. For example, I went to bed last night around 8pm because I was exhausted, and woke this morning at 4am. Most people would think this was a crazy schedule, but for me it is normal. I started getting into this routine (sleep by 8/9pm, wake by 4/5am) about 6 months ago and it was WEIRD back then. I kept doing it, though, and now - its so natural.

So the other habit that I am trying to inculcate is the food one. I was tremendously inspired by the practice of eating by 6pm that the amazing yogi
Dharma Mittra does and advises his students to do. It makes so much sense, both as an ascetic practice, and as a dietary one. When I do this, I feel more focused, clear, and energized in the evenings. And Dharma Mittra can stand on his head without he can't be that wrong...... :)