Tuesday, January 23, 2007
New type of credit card
Finally, a socially conscious credit card
Name | 1st Chakra: Muladhara (Root Chakra) |
Bija Mantra | LAM |
Location | Perineum, base of spine |
| Earth, representing physical and emotional grounding |
Color | Red, which has a slower vibration than the colors of other chakras |
Tasks | Tending to our survival needs, establishing sense of goundedness, taking good basic care of the body, purging of wastes; "getting things in order"; trying to influence outer world |
Associations | Base of spine (coccyx), legs, feet, large intestine, adrenals
Key word | Stability |
Relationships | mother, father, family, environment, home, workplace, boss, job, career, money |
Circumstances causing deficiencies | Traveling, relocation, feeling fearful, big changes in our family, body, finances, business Those with busy minds and active imaginations feel ungrounded most of the time, living more in head than body |
Deficiencies experienced as | Survival crises that demand a lot of attention
Signs of excessiveness | Greed, hoarding of money or possessions, attempting to ground yourself by gain a lot of excess weight
Antidote | Things that bring us back into our body and the earth and help us experience safety, security, and stillness |
Poses that correct imbalances | STANDING POSES All poses that stretch and strengthen the legs and feet (pressing feet onto tennis ball, lacing fingers in between toes, calf openers, hamstring stretches); standing poses that open and strengthen the lower body and root attention downward; restorative poses settle an overactive mind and encourage surrender to gravity (supta baddha konasana, salamba savasana, salamba balasana) |
I went ahead and put together charts like this one for each chakra. It helped me learn them and keep track of all seven. Email me if you'd like a copy!
Bananas, Yoga, and Kombucha
Are you unselfish? Brain scan finds the truth
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Altruism, one of the most difficult human behaviors to define, can be detected in brain scans, U.S. researchers report. They found activity in a specific area of the brain could predict altruistic behavior -- and people's own reports of how selfish or giving they are.
"This area we saw was the posterior superior temporal cortex," Huettel said. "It's part of the parietal lobe. What this brain area seems to be involved in is extracting meaning from things you see." "If you see a rock move because someone picked it up, you can recognize that they have a goal. That would activate this region. If you saw a leaf fluttering in the wind, there is no intention in that leaf." And this brain region would not activate. " We think altruism might help others understand the intentions of others," Huettel said.
This is insightful. It makes sense to me, though, and meshes with what I learned in Buddhism and from my own spiritual growth. The more I become calmer, the more patience I gain, and the less reactive I am. So instead of automatically judging or reflexively reacting to something, I have more space to ponder and think through the situation. This space provides the opportunity to consider the other person's point of view -- like the article says, understand the intentions of others. And so it makes sense that this goes hand in hand with altruism.
On a completely other note, I am getting really addicted to a couple of things...........but they are good things, so I am not really worried too much.
1) Firstly, I am getting totally addicted to yoga. As I get better and better, it feels so GREAT to do the poses and also to progress. I am getting addicted to this positive feedback. I have started taking two classes, back to back. But it is so worth it, because there are some awesome teachers at FLOW and I am learning loads of good stuff. I am getting addicted to the great teachers!
2) I am getting addicted to the Kombucha drinks (http://www.wonderdrink.com/). I decided to try to learn how to grow the culture, because it would be cheaper and I have heard that some people do it. According to the web, kombucha is:
"a symbiotic colony of yeast and bacteria (the friendly type). Kombucha Tea is made by combining the culture, with a mixture of black tea, and sugar. The ingredients are allowed to "ferment", usually from 7-10 days. The resulting beverage contains dozens of elements, many of which are known to promote healing for a variety of conditions."
Here are some sites which sell starter kits: http://store.anahatabalance.com/komukior.html
It doesn't seem too expensive or difficult. I think I might give it a try............
3) I am eating at least one banana every day. But bananas are amazingly good for you and I found out that:
"Bananas are an exceptionally rich source of fructooligosaccharide, a compound called a prebiotic because it nourishes probiotic (friendly) bacteria in the colon . These beneficial bacteria produce vitamins and digestive enzymes that improve our ability to absorb nutrients, plus compounds that protect us against unfriendly microorganisms. When fructooligosaccharides are fermented by these friendly bacteria, not only do numbers of probiotic bacteria increase, but so does the body's ability to absorb calcium. In addition, gastrointestinal transit time is lessened, decreasing the risk of colon cancer."
The reason I hightlight this is because my dosha type --- Vata --- is seated at the colon. And so it is interesting that I am naturally drawn to bananas, which aid in the functioning of my colon. I am really getting into Ayurveda and hope to learn more when I go for my Jivamukti TT. In the meantime, I do hope to get an appointment for a private consulation with Brenden Freely.
Here is a yummy recipe I'd like to try:
Tropical Breakfast Risotto
This is a great tropical, healthy rice breakfast. It would be perfect served on a morning when you want something substantial, yet light and fresh tasting.
Prep and Cook Time: 30 minutes Ingredients:
- Bring water with rice to a boil in medium sized sauce or soup pan on high heat. Once it comes to a boil, turn heat to medium low and simmer uncovered, stirring frequently for creaminess
- While rice is cooking prepare rest of ingredients.
- As water is absorbed in rice add pineapple juice from can and keep cooking. When that is absorbed add the can of coconut milk. As that gets absorbed, but while still creamy, add rest of ingredients. Heat for another 2-3 minutes and serve when rice is tender. This should be still juicy and creamy without being runny. This is good served warm or cold.
Serves 4