Monday, May 11, 2009

A Jivamukti Meditation Workshop

Vanquishing the Vrittis
A Jivamukti Meditation Workshop

with Agatha Glowacki

Date: Sun 5/24/2009
Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Place: Flow Yoga Center
Cost: $35

Yogash chitta-vritti-nirodhah. (YS I:2) Yoga is the cessation of the
fluctuations, or whirlings, of the mind.

All yoga practices, including meditation, are designed to allow
happiness to radiate through every cell and tissue of the body and
every vibration of the mind. This meditation workshop explores why
and how to meditate according to yogic texts, specifically the Hatha
Yoga Pradipika and Yoga Sutras. The session will also include how to
use ancient breathing techniques, or “pranayama” as a doorway to
meditation. A variety of meditation techniques will be covered, as well
as the following essential elements of both pranayama and meditation:

**establishing a "seat" that is one of these four asanas: padmasana,
siddhasana, vajrasana, or virasana

**use of bandhas (mula bandha, uddiyana bandha, jalandhara bandha)

**breath retention (kumbaka)

Flow Yoga Center
1450 P St NW (next to Whole Foods)
Washington, DC
202 462-FLOW

A Cautionary Video About America’s ‘Stuff’

Today's NYTimes features an article about “The Story of Stuff,” a 20-minute video about the effects of human consumption, which has become a hit nationwide.

The video was created by Annie Leonard, a former Greenpeace employee and an independent lecturer who paints a picture of how American habits result in forests being felled, mountaintops being destroyed, water being polluted and people and animals being poisoned. Ms. Leonard, who describes herself as an “unapologetic activist,” is also critical of corporations and the federal government, which she says spends too much on the military.

Read full article HERE.

Watch film HERE: