Monday, September 10, 2007

get rescued dogs fed!

Go to this site and click the purple box. No commitments or anything. Every time you click on the button, you are insuring that rescued dogs are fed. Please click on it every day- it's too easy not to!

Gore's "carnivorous contribution to greenhouse gases"..........

Activists take Al Gore to Task on his diet

By Philip Sherwell, Sunday Telegraph
Last Updated: 12:52pm BST 10/09/2007

Activists take Gore to task on his diet
Al Gore has come under fire for failing to highlight the impact of animal agriculture

Citing United Nations research that the meat industry is worse for the environment than driving and flying, animal rights groups are directing a campaign at the former American vice-president's diet.

When he delivers a lecture on global warming in Denver next month, protesters will display billboards bearing a cartoon image of Mr Gore eating a drumstick and the message: "Too chicken to go vegetarian? Meat is the No 1 cause of global warming".

The campaign is being organised by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta) and is backed by other animal rights groups.

"For Al Gore, the fact that his diet is a leading contributor to global warming is a highly inconvenient truth - pun intended," said Matt Prescott, a spokesman for Peta.

Mr Gore won an Oscar this year for An Inconvenient Truth, the documentary based on his lecture-circuit presentation detailing how man is allegedly destroying the environment.

But he is now under fire for failing to highlight the impact of meat-eating.

According to recent UN Food and Agriculture Organisation research, animal agriculture generates 18 per cent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions - more than the 13.5 per cent produced by all forms of transport combined.

Mr Gore's eating habits have previously drawn attention only because of his dramatic weight fluctuations.

He cut a far slimmer figure in the run-up to the 2000 election than since - and observers would regard a reduction in his waistline as a likely sign that he intends join the Democrats' race for the White House next year.

Jivamukti's part in the Global Mala Project



@ Jivamukti Yoga School NYC



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Go Vegan To Stop Global Warming

-According to the UN, the waste emissions from animals raised for food contributes more to Global Warming than all the car and truck emissions in the world!-


As part of the world-wide Global Mala Project, Jivamukti Yoga Schools around the world are asking their friends to go vegan to stop global warming !  Join Sting, Trudie Styler, Christy Turlington, noted  philanthropist Bobby Sager, Donna Karan, Russell Simmons, environmental activist Julia Butterfly and Jivamukti creators Sharon Gannon and David Life, who have all pledged to be vegan on Friday September 21, 2007- The United Nations International Day of Peace.