Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Road to Moksha: (2) The Guru

Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshvara, Guru Sakshat, Param Brahma, Tasmai Shri Guruvey Namaha
Tasmai Shri Guruvey Namaha

Once we’ve decided to embark on this path, we look to the guidance and the advice of someone ahead of us. We can find this in the teachings of those noble and enlightened souls who’ve progressed on the path of yoga, the ‘gurus’ or those who remove (ru) the mud (gu).

It is said that when we are ready, the guru appears. But we can’t be infantile in our understanding and expect a guru to be a small Indian man with a white beard. Gurus come in many forms – including fierce and unpleasant forms. In one way, you can say that everyone and everything that comes into your life has a lesson for  for you. We just have to be open to it. All the time.

1. Guru Mantra
2. Read scriptures
3. Child’s pose