Jivamukti Chakra Tuning with Agi Glowacki
Sunday, June 7
2:00 - 4:00 PM
Pure Prana studio in old Towne Alexandria
The ancient system of chakras provides us with a model for therapeutic transformation. The charkas exist in our astral body and consist of seven primary levels of consciousness and corresponding physical nerve plexi. Each chakra provides access to underlying causes of pain and suffering ultimately linking back to our relationships.
During this workshop, we will explore how yogic techniques can address the possible root causes of emotional and physical difficulties in our lives. Chakras are affected most directly through sound current and vibration, making mantra a potent yogic method for purifying the charkas and promoting the ascent of consciousness. Asanas, due to their ability to directly stimulate the endocrine glands, are another potent method used for chakra cleansing.