Have you heard about GreenDimes?!
GreenDimes is the trusted leader in stopping junk mail and unwanted catalogs. In the US alone, over 100 million trees and 28 billion gallons of water will be lost this year to create junk mail. GreenDimes has stopped over 2 million pounds of junk mail, and planted over 350,000 trees, all in just over a year.
GreenDimes cuts up to 90% of your home's junk mail and plants 10 trees through our non-profit tree-planting partners, all for a one-time fee of $15. Included is our easy-to-use Catalog Screener where you only opt out the catalogs that you want stopped. We have over 3,000 different catalogs in our opt-out database.
To save even more trees and simplify your friends' lives, please create a GreenDimes account and refer your friends from the GreenDimes Friends page. You will get a $5 Referral Bonus for every person who signs up for a GreenDimes service.
Also, read our fun and informative green blog at http://blog.greendimes.com
GreenDimes makes a great inexpensive holiday gift!