Friday, February 1, 2008

Don't Buy It

A Message from The Simple Living Network:

The United States Government is planning to send out rebate
checks in the hope that American citizens will immediately
spend the money to stimulate the economy, thus avoiding a

At best, this is a band-aid solution for a broken
system that will not solve the larger economic problems
faced by our country. We believe a short-term fix will not
repair larger, long-term problems. In fact, the short-term
solution may only exacerbate the larger problems.

As such, we have started the "Don't Buy It!" campaign in an
effort to begin a far-reaching conversation that encourages
people everywhere to "Wake Up & Smell The Rebate."

Please visit our web site at and
find out how you can participate by using your rebate in
ways that the government does not expect -- ways that might
actually make more impact than, as the government hopes,
spending the money to purchase more stuff and junk.