Tuesday, January 23, 2007



1st Chakra: Muladhara (Root Chakra)

Bija Mantra



Perineum, base of spine


Earth, representing physical and emotional grounding


Red, which has a slower vibration than the colors of other chakras


Tending to our survival needs, establishing sense of goundedness, taking good basic care of the body, purging of wastes; "getting things in order"; trying to influence outer world


Base of spine (coccyx), legs, feet, large intestine, adrenals

Key word



mother, father, family, environment, home, workplace, boss, job, career, money

Circumstances causing deficiencies

Traveling, relocation, feeling fearful, big changes in our family, body, finances, business

Those with busy minds and active imaginations feel ungrounded most of the time, living more in head than body

Deficiencies experienced as

Survival crises that demand a lot of attention

Signs of excessiveness

Greed, hoarding of money or possessions, attempting to ground yourself by gain a lot of excess weight


Things that bring us back into our body and the earth and help us experience safety, security, and stillness

Poses that correct imbalances


All poses that stretch and strengthen the legs and feet (pressing feet onto tennis ball, lacing fingers in between toes, calf openers, hamstring stretches); standing poses that open and strengthen the lower body and root attention downward; restorative poses settle an overactive mind and encourage surrender to gravity (supta baddha konasana, salamba savasana, salamba balasana)

I went ahead and put together charts like this one for each chakra. It helped me learn them and keep track of all seven. Email me if you'd like a copy!

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