Thursday, September 6, 2007

Dave Stringer coming to DC!

David Stringer is one of the best kirtan singers out there today.......he came to surprise us with a concert during my Jivamukti Teacher Training and totally rocked the house. Check out my blog entry about his visit HERE.

Anyway, he is coming to DC in the Fall! Make sure to check him out!!


Friday, October 26, 8:00 PM
Willow Street Yoga
8561 Fenton St.
Silver Spring MD 20912

What is kirtan?What is kirtan?

Kirtan (from the Sanskrit word for singing) is easily learned and instantly memorable. The form is simple: a lead group calls out the melodies. The crowd responds, clapping and dancing as the rhythms of tablas, finger cymbals, harmonium, tamboura, electric bass and guitar build and accelerate. The mantras are projected overhead, making them simple to follow.

Sanskrit is the mother tongue of many modern languages, and a kind of periodic table of elemental sound-meaning. The mantras are primarily recitations of names given to the divine. But perhaps the true understanding of the mantras can be found in the sense of unity, well-being and timelessness that they elicit. Ecstasy is both the process and the product.

"Listen friend, this body is his instrument. He draws the strings tight, and out of it comes the music of the universe."
--- Kabir

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