sat-sangatve nissangatvam, nissangatve nirmohatvam, nirmohatve nishcala-tattvam, nischcala-tattve jivanmuktih
Translation by Sri Brahmananda Sarasvati:
"Good and virtuous company gives rise to non-attachment. From non-attachment comes freedom from delusion. With freedom from delusion, one feels the changeless reality. Experiencing this changeless reality, one attains liberation in this life. I-AM is the ocean of awareness. Realizing this, one feels, 'I am not the body and mind, although I have a body and mind.'"
Satsang defined by Sharon Gannon:
“The yoga scriptures tell us the most important sadhana or spiritual practice that we can be involved in during this time of global crisis and great shifts in consciousness is satsang. It’s more important than anything else. More important than meditation or asana or even chanting…when we do chant, if we do it in a Satsang with other people, then of course it is extremely powerful. Satsang means that we hang out with like minded beings. That we are in the company of the enlightened mind…You get together for the single purpose of raising consciousness in yourself and supporting others, like right there and then…not like after next week…that’s good too, but the satsang is about actually being with the enlightened mind right now.”
Being around others who are on this path is very important because we cannot make it on our own. We are social beings and need reinforcement and support from one another. We must encourage and remind each other of what is truly important. Building a sense of spiritual community is the best way to help people stay motivated to take their practice off the mat and into both the world and their inner lives.
1. Satsang mantra
2. Kirtan
3. Meditation
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